Welcome to my Journey nicknamed "My Moonstone Journey" for no reason other than that's what came to mind, and it started on October 26, 2010 when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

I thought this would be a good way to unload my week's events as a means to maintain my sanity, as well, an avenue for family and friends to see what's going on.

I had no idea what would happen after October 26th, I have no idea what will happen today, I have no idea about tomorrow, and I'm starting to accept that, and it scares me a little less each day approaching the unknown...

If you're reading this, chances are you're one of those people who are holding my hand through this and for that I Thank You...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Canal, Information Overload, TV Sucks, My Pink Ribbon...

October 21, 2011

 The Good: The canal is where I escape to stretch my legs, get some air, or clear my mind; I have literally walked through the seasons this past year.  Winter with its black and white pallet, naked trees and cravings for hot chocolate was my favourite season of escape... Finally, I have found something about winter that I like J

The Bad: Apparently you don’t see this surgeon without first attending his information session, which is fine, but someone would have told me this right, perhaps when THEY called to give ME the appointment would have been a good time? 

 Well, nobody did tell me so I showed up for my appointment and had to sit there and listen to blah blah blah followed by “if you went to the information session you’d know that”... blah blah blah “ this is covered in more detail in my information session, blah blah blah, I think you need to attend my information session. 

I guess I’ll attend his information session J

The What the ???:  She has brain damage from a car accident and can’t remember anything since that time for more than a few minutes... He (her husband) wants to leave her, he can’t stand having to repeat himself so much, and she is no longer the woman he fell in love with. 

The psychiatrist defending the husband’s decision to other Doc’s used the following example: Head injuries won’t go away, and neither will she... if she had cancer though, it’s often fatal so the long term commitment isn’t there.

This was only a TV show, and chances are a year ago I wouldn’t have noticed this statement. 

But it’s not a year ago, it’s today, and I noticed this statement and thought “what the fuck is wrong with them for writing this into a script?”  What bothers me more though is I wonder how true it is...

Lessons Learned: ‎The name “David Jay” has come into my life several times in the last year, his photographs from The Scar Project spoke to me more about breast cancer than any pink ribbon website could. 

The passionate eye is featuring him this week:

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